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美国OAI光刻机 5000E
OAI 5000E型大面积掩光刻机是一种先进的高性能,全自动掩模对准器和曝光工具,可为大型平板应用提供超精密,**,亚微米对准和分辨率。 其灵活的设计允许在各种基材(圆形或方形)上印刷高达300mm或20“×20”。 曝光系统兼容近,中,或深紫外范围的光刻胶,并具有计算机控制的LED显微镜照明,在不太理想的观察环境中观察。
Model 5000E Large Area Mask Aligner for Substrates and Displays
The OAI Model 5000E Large Area Mask Aligner is an advanced, high-performance, fully-automated mask Aligner and exposure tool that delivers ultra precise, Topside, sub-micron alignment and resolution for large, flat panel applications. Its flexible design allows printing on various substrates - round or square - up to 300mm or 20”x20”. The exposure system is compatible with photo resist in Near, Mid, or Deep UV range, and features computer-controlled LED microscope lighting for viewing in less-than-ideal viewing environments.
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- 产品分类
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- 日本JEOL场发射冷冻电子显微镜JEM-Z200FSC
- 日本JEOL能谱仪JED-2300T
- 德Optosol-K3太阳能吸收率发射率检测仪
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- 德国Klocke Nanotech纳米级三维测量仪3D Nanofinger
- N-TEC全自动晶圆贴片压合机228-3FA
- 美国D&S发射率测量仪AE1/RD1
- URE-2000A型紫外单面光刻机
- 芬兰PICOSUN标准型原子层沉积机R-200
- N-TEC半自动LED晶圆贴片机BW 216A
- 芬兰PICOSUN标准型原子层沉积机R-200